Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code E0
The lower threshold starting voltages are exceeding the normal limit.
Run the frequency and speed control.
Contact an HVAC engineer to inspect the system and bring the frequency, resistance, and threshold voltages to a safe level for the circuit.
Check the AC induction motor for malfunctioning. Repair or replace it as suggested by the technician.
Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code E1
The system has initiated the compressor protection system mode.
There is an increase in the pressure of the compressor.
The compressor of the system is subjected to overheating.
Turn OFF the air conditioner. Let it cool down for 15-30 minutes.
Check the air filters and fans for any clogged-up dirt and dust and clean them thoroughly. Repair or replace the parts if they are defective.
Check for any issues in the temperature sensor of the compressor. Repair or replace it as required.
Inspect the main PCB and compressor for malfunctioning. Do repairs or replacements as suggested by the technician.
Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code E2
This is not an error but a warning that the indoor unit is under threat of freezing.
The fan is not working or the fan motor is defective.
Check the air returns in the indoor unit. Ensure proper airflow into the indoor unit.
Check the fan speed and ensure it is running at full capacity.
Clean the evaporator to remove any dirt build-up or something stuck and causing a clog.
If the icing doesn’t melt or the error remains for a long time, seek professional help to inspect the evaporator and other components. Do repairs and replacements as needed.
E3 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The system is lowering the allowable pressure threshold.
The system is starting the protection system to prevent the compressor from major damage.
Rotate the regulator knob on the compressor in the clockwise direction to tweak the pressure inside the air tank.
Contact an HVAC engineer to check the compressor pressure and bring it to a normal level as required.
Inspect the pressure switch, knob, or sensor for malfunctioning. Repair or replace the parts as needed.
If the error persists, contact a licensed technician to inspect the compressor and do repairs as needed.
E4 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
There is an increase in the injection tube temperature as it exceeds the permissible limit.
Turn OFF the air conditioner for a few minutes. Turn it ON again after it cools down.
Check the supply voltages and ensure it is consistent and stable.
Check the load on the system and ensure the compressor is not overloading. Give the system a rest or clean it thoroughly if needed.
Clean the evaporator to remove dirt and dust build-up. Remove if something is causing blockages.
E5 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The compressor is overloading.
The system has initiated the overcurrent protection mode.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter air conditioner “Error Code E4”.
Check the wire harness of the compressor and main power cord for damages. Repair insulations or breakages as needed.
Inspect the compressor and if it is faulty. Repair or replace it as suggested.
E6 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The power cable is defective or broken.
The communication scenario is malfunctioning.
Check the main power cable, connection, and wire harness and fix damages, breakages, and looseness wherever needed.
Check settings from the remote controller and ensure connection, operation, and communication settings are correct.
Inspect the main PCB of both indoor and outdoor units for any defects. Repair or replace the PCBs if they are defective.
E7 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The established modes of the Copper and Hunter split system are mismatched.
Different modes are running on indoor and outdoor units.
Look at the remote controller and ensure the same modes are running on both units of the split system air conditioner.
If the error remains even after this, contact an HVAC engineer to inspect the system for any internal malfunction.
E8 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The evaporator of the air conditioner is subjected to overheating.
Check the evaporator and its related parts with the help of an installation engineer. Make sure that all the parts are placed correctly.
Check the outdoor fan and rotate it manually to remove any stuck objects. Repair or replace the fan if it is faulty.
Check for any blockages in the EXV. Repair or replace the valve if it is malfunctioning.
Clean the evaporator coil thoroughly to remove any clogged-up dirt or dust.
Check the coil sensor as it can be defective and needs replacement.
E9 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The AC unit is blowing cold air while it is working in thermal mode.
The system has launched the protection mode against cold air supply.
If the system is in defrost mode, wait for it to complete. Once the icing on the coils melts, the cold air supply will also be stopped.
Tweak the thermostat or AC unit running temperature.
Through the remote controller, tweak settings and ensure Thermal Mode is ON with the correct settings and parameters.
If the issues remain, seek professional help as there could be leakages, issues in piping, or the refrigerant.
F0 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The discharge sensor of the air conditioner is not working properly.
There is an open or short circuit in the discharge sensor.
Check the resistance coefficient of the sensor. Replace it with a stronger one if it is weak or not efficient.
Check for any open or short circuit in the sensor by contacting the authorized technical service provider. Repair or replace it as needed.
If the error remains, check the main PCB or control board of the indoor unit for any malfunctions. Replace it if it is faulty.
F1 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
There is a malfunction in the evaporator temperature sensor.
The evaporator temperature sensor is subjected to an open or short circuit.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F0”.
F2 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The condenser temperature sensor is faulty.
There is an open or short circuit in the temperature sensor of the condenser.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F0”.
F3 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
There are some issues with the air temperature sensor of the system.
The air temperature sensor has an open or short circuit.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F0”.
F4 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The supercharger temperature sensor is not functioning properly.
There is an open or short circuit in the supercharger temperature sensor.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F0”.
F5 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The compressor discharge tube sensor is defective.
The open or short circuit occurs in the compressor discharge tube sensor.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F0”.
F6 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The condenser is overloading or overheating.
AC filters are clogged due to dirt build-up or debris.
The condenser itself is clogged.
Turn OFF the AC unit and give it a complete rest. Restart the unit to see if this happens again.
Take the filters out and clean them to remove dirt, debris, and something stuck in them.
Open the condenser and remove objects or something that is causing clogs and blockages. Clean the outdoor unit condenser coils and ensure they aren’t clogged.
If the error persists, contact a licensed technician to inspect the condenser and do repairs or replacements as needed.
F7 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The lubrication oil in the compressor crankcase is insufficient.
The oil from the compressor crankcase is leaking or being degraded.
Check the compressor crankcase and related components and ensure nothing is blocking its way to reaching the bearings. Do cleaning if there is debris build-up.
Look through the compressor and ensure no looseness or leaks are allowing it to move out.
If the oil is less than the required lubrication, contact an HVAC engineer or a licensed technician to fill the oil using the splash or pressure lubrication.
F8 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The compressor is overloading.
The AC unit has been running for a long time under extreme temperatures.
Check voltages and ensure a consistent and stable supply.
Check the power cord and ensure it is completely insulated and properly plugged into the wall receptor.
Change the thermostat as this could be causing the compressor to work tirelessly.
Check the power supply and main PCB for malfunctioning. Repair or replace the components as suggested by the technician.
If the error persists, inspect the compressor itself and make a replacement if needed.
F9 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The compressor is overloading.
The fan speed is decreasing while the system is in COOLING mode.
Because of the low fan speed, the condenser temperature is exceeding the maximum temperature.
For the compressor, try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F8”.
Switch the fan settings from “Auto” to “ON” and run it at maximum speed.
If the condenser is overheating, try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F6”.
FF Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
One of the phases of the system is missing or not working.
The phase monitor has issues or is unable to operate efficiently.
Check and make sure that the fuses, cables, circuits, connections, and contacts are in good shape. Do repairs if they are blown, damaged, opened, loose, or worn respectively.
Ensure a consistent and stable supply of voltages.
Check the circuit breakers and reset them if they were tripped.
Disconnect the AC unit from the power supply and check the power cord and power supply for malfunctioning. Do repairs or replacements as needed.
Inspect the main PCB and replace it if it is defective.
FA Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The condenser is overheating.
The evaporator is running under extreme load and is overheating now.
For the condenser, try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter air conditioner “Error Code F6”.
For the evaporator, clean the filters, evaporator coil, evaporator, and ductwork as there may be a bunch of dirt and debris. Remove such things and restart the AC unit.
Inspect the air filter and ensure they are in good shape. Replace the air filters if they are damaged.
If the error persists, inspect the main PCB and evaporator for malfunctioning. Contact a technician for inspection and fixing of the components.
FH Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The evaporator of the AC unit is freezing.
There is ice on the evaporator and evaporator coils.
Start the system security as this can be a one-time issue and the unit will come back to normal functioning once the defrost process completes.
Run the fan at maximum speed.
Turn OFF the AC unit by unplugging the power cord or from the circuit breaker box. Scrape off the ice from the coils using a brush. Be gentle to prevent any damage to coils or fins.
H0 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The system has entered the overheating protection mode.
The AC unit has been running under extreme temperatures for a very long time.
Turn OFF the AC system and give rest until it cools down completely.
Check the temperature sensor and ensure it is working fine. Replace the sensor if it is malfunctioning.
Check the wire harness of the evaporator, condenser, and compressor. Repair the damaged wires and loose connectors where needed.
H1 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The system has initiated the condenser defrost mode.
Check the indoor unit air filters to see for any clogged-up dirt or dust. Get rid of all the restrictions or dirt in them.
Check for any open or short circuits in the air filters and their related parts. Repair or replace if they are defective or burned as required.
Check the heat exchanger thermistor of the indoor unit. Repair or replace it if it is faulty.
If the error persists, check the main PCB for any malfunctions. Replace it if it is defective
H2 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The electrostatic filter of the system is failing.
The electrostatic filter is clogged due to dirt build-up or foreign objects stuck in it.
The electrostatic filter is damaged or broken.
Take the filter out and splash high-pressure water to remove dirt and debris stuck in the mesh.
Open the unit and look through the electrostatic filter for any holes. Do repairs or change the filter if it is damaged.
Take a look and ensure that the filter is properly installed and filter on its intended position. Seek assistance from an installation engineer if needed.
H3 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
There is a rise in the temperature of the compressor as it is exceeding the permissible limit.
The compressor motor is locked.
Turn OFF the air conditioner, wait until it cools down completely and then turn it ON again.
Check the refrigerant and gas levels. Refill it if it’s low with the help of a technician.
Check for any loose, broken, or burned wiring and connections. Repair or replace the defective areas as required.
Check for any blockages or clogged-up dirt in the 4-way valve. Repair or replace it if it is faulty.
Contact the technician to check the compressor as it can be faulty and needs replacement.
H4 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
This is a system error and can occur due to a sudden interruption, malfunctioning, or mostly a minor (one-time) issue.
Turn OFF the AC unit and flip the breaker from the circuit breaker panel that powers your unit.
Look for the reset button on the AC unit mostly present on the indoor unit. Press and hold the button for 3-5 seconds.
Restart the AC again and see if the error resolves.
Check the main PCB if it is malfunctioning and needs replacement.
H5 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The system has entered the IPM inverter unit protection mode.
There are some issues in the wiring or connections of IPM.
Inspect the supply voltage, compressor phase, and discharge pressure. Fix either of the aspects if it is not correct.
Check the stop valve for any issues with the help of a local technician. Repair or replace the defective valve as needed.
Seek the help of an installation engineer to check and ensure that each component is perfectly placed and has a tightened connection.
H6 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
A sensor of the AC unit is defective, has a short circuit, or damaged wire harness.
The system is not receiving the feedback signal from the fan motor for a long time.
Try the exact solutions as suggested for the Cooper and Hunter AC “Error Code F0”.
Check the wiring and connections between the main PCB and fan motor and do repairs where needed.
Inspect the PCB and if it is malfunctioning, replace it with a new one.
If the error persists, inspect the fan motor. Repair or replace the fan motor as needed.
H7 EzoicCooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The compressor is not working, is faulty, or completely failed.
The clutch, rings, or other spare parts of the compressor have gone bad.
Ensure a consistent supply of voltages as low or high voltages may be causing the compressor to turn OFF.
Check the circuit breakers and reset them if they were tripped. Don’t do this twice without maintenance if breakers trip again.
Look at the thermostat and ensure it is correctly set. Ensure batteries are working and fully alive.
If the compressor is emitting a buzzing or clicking sound, contact a licensed technician to inspect it. Repair or completely replace the compressor as needed.
H8 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The drainage system of the AC unit is full.
The bottom tray is overflowing with water.
Turn OFF the AC unit as soon as you notice this error.
Drain out all the water from the drainage system. Clean the drainage system to remove dirt, debris, or foreign objects causing blockages or clogs.
Look through the tubing and piping of the system and seek assistance for repairs if there are any leaks, cracks, or other damages on the drain line.
Inspect the water overflowing switch or sensor and replace it if it’s giving wrong information.
Replace the drain line as a whole if it’s completely damaged.
H9 Cooper and Hunter air conditioner error code
The electric heater of the indoor unit is not working or has completely failed.
Check the circuit breakers and ensure they aren’t tripped. Reset them if they were tripped.
If there is icing on the evaporator or the coils, wait for it to melt and then restart the AC.
Check the air filters and sensor for dirt build-up or damage. Clean them thoroughly and do repairs if they are faulty.
Check the thermostat and ensure it is correctly set. Tweak the thermostat to see if the error resolves.
If the error remains, contact a licensed technician to inspect the electric heater and do maintenance as required.
This code is not an error code but the code that indicates that the system is DeFrosting the outside unit.
This usually happens when the Heat-Pump is heating a room. When warming up a room, the outside unit starts to cool off and when the outside temperature is already rather cold, the outside unit can freeze.
Whenever this happens the system automatically stops heating the room and deflects the warm air to the outside unit in order to defrost that unit. This process might take up 10 to 15 minutes. After that the Heat-Pump starts heating the room again.
It is important not to start pushing buttons but wait untill the defrosting is finished. Again, the Heat-Pump will start heating again automatically. If you do have pushed all kinds of buttons, take the power plug from the mains and put it back again after appr. 15 minutes. In this way the Heat-Pump resets itself.
when Active Clean feature is turned on(For Inverter split type )
when the Self clean feature is turned on (For fixed-speed type)
when 46°F (8°C) heating mode is turned on(some units)
when ECO feature is activated(some units)
for 3 seconds when:
• TIMER ON is set (if the unit is OFF, remains on when TIMER ON is set )